DSR Privacy Statement

Collecting your Personal Information
We will ask you when we need information that personally identifies you (personal information) or allows us to contact you. Generally, this information is requested when you are asked to register before ordering e-mail newsletters, or when purchasing DSR products or services, or products sold by DSR. Personal information collected by DSR often is limited to e-mail address, language, country or location, but may include other information when needed to provide a service you requested.

Security of your Personal Information
DSR strictly protects the security of your personal information and honors your choices for its intended use. We carefully protect your data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Your personal information is never shared outside the company without your permission.  Inside the company, data is stored in  computers with limited access. Your information may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country where DSR, its affiliates, or agents are located.

 DSR Group International
 2711 Centerville Road., Ste. 400
 Wilmington, DE. 19808
 516.466.3270 ~ info@consultdsr.com


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